PROGRESS  What is progress? Often progress can be expressed by the trite but appropriate New Years saying, In with the new, Out with the old.". In the case of submarines, this means the continued production of nuclear submarines and the decommissioning of diesel submarines.

From the ranks of submarines and submariners, a cry of anguish can be heard. It sounds like a war cry -- "DIESEL BOATS FOREVER". Diesel submariners can be seen sporting a "DBF" pin, which consists of a diesel submarine being embraced by two mermaids. They can be heard shouting loud and boisterously, "DIESEL BOATS FOREVER!" to all who will listen and especially to "NUC's". It's not that they are against progress -- they aren't; but diesel submarines have established a long and proud fighting tradition. They'll not die quietly.

It's time to express, "Diesel Boats Forever", not as a war cry, not as a cry of anguish, but as a tribute to the long and proud traditions of valiant men, as a memorial or as an epitaph. The poem, "DIESEL BOATS FOREVER", written by LCDR Edward H, RANSOM, Executive Officer of USS TIGRONE (AGSS419) on the occasion of the decommissioning of three more diesel boats, is such an expression.

By LTjg Ralph E. KENYON, Jr.
Public Affairs Officer

The Navy and me

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