This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2017-08-20 at 01:38 and has been accessed 6585 times at 17 hits per month.


One day recently I received an excited phone call regarding my website.  The caller wanted to alert me to his new-found "enlightenment" regarding "voicebio".  A bit of research revealed that "voicebio" turns out to be pseudoscience based on more pseudoscience, or second order pseudoscience. VoiceBio.com states:

The various parts of the body attract resources and communicate with each other by way of sound frequency. In other words, each organ has its own keynote frequency that resonates to the particular nutrients, minerals and sound vibration required for function. As an example, the colon vibrates to the note of B, while the liver vibrates to the note of G. Fortunately, for our sanity, the frequencies of our organs and systems function outside the range of human hearing. There are in all, 12 keynote frequencies present in the human body.  VoiceBio.com

It is also well known that every body has a fundamental resonant frequency, however when a part of any body is isolated it's fundamental frequency is likely to be quite different from modes of vibration the part may undergo while a part of the body. There are no known sound receptors within the various organs of the human body other than the human ear and skin pressure sensors, and studies of the various internal "organs" have shown that there are no sound organs connected to neurological processes or to chemical or hormonal systems. As a result, the "jump to the conclusion" that human organs can "communicate with each other using sound" is incredibly naive pseudoscience. It shows a nearly complete failure to understand current scientific knowledge about the human body.

Human body organs communicate primarily through neurological, chemical, and hormonal mechanisms. This fact is established by many decades of hard scientific research and evidence. It might be conceivable to measure the contributions to the overall frequency pattern of the human body based on differences in a particular organ, given that this effect could be identified, using hundreds of thousands of subjects correlated with extremely detailed medical history using multi-dimensional and factor analysis techniques. At best such research might provide a diagnostic tool, were such studies to actually be done, and were the studies to find correlations between deviations from "normal" vibration patterns and diseases and injuries.

The VoiceBio page above cites Frohlich (1978), but that source is not talking about sound. It is talking specifically about laser like coherent electromagnetic frequencies.

An assembly of cells, as in a tissue or organ, will have certain collective frequencies that regulate important processes, such as cell division. Normally these control frequencies will be very stable. If, for some reason, a cell shifts its frequency, entraining signals from neighboring cells will tend to install the correct frequency. However, if a sufficient number of cells get out of step, the strength of the system's collective vibrations can decrease to the point where stability is lost. Loss of coherence can lead to disease or disorder. Frohlich (1978)

It's unwarranted to jump to the conclusion that sound frequencies function as electromagnetic ones do. This is like saying We found vitamin C in oranges, so you should eat potatoes, because sound and electromagnetic vibrations are as different as fruits and vegetables.

Even if there were such a direct correlation between electromagnetic and sound frequencies, the entire field of "energy medicine" is, at best, naive pseudoscience.

It is not possible to develop science-based guidelines for irrational practices. Homeopathy and "energy medicine" are delusional practices. Any organization that certifies people in these areas should be considered untrustworthy. Analysis of the Final WHCCAMP Report [CAM - complementary and alternative medicine] WHCCAMP - White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy

Specifically, the last statement, "Loss of coherence can lead to disease or disorder.", is a totally unwarranted conclusion, because, for one thing, it's putting the cart before the horse. The alleged coherence is only a measure of the functioning, if it is that at all, and that has not been shown; it is not the cause, but an effect.

Walk into a smoothly running factory. It has a characteristic sound. But when something goes wrong, the sound changes. The change in the sound is not the cause of the problem, so a change in the coherence does not lead to disorder. The sound gets changed when a disorder occurs.