Yelena Levina

  • Piano Instruction for all ages
  • Especially good with young children
  • Available in Northern Berkshire, MA
  • Trained in the Russian classical school
  • 40 years experience  (resume)


I can provide instruction in the comfort of your own home.
References are available upon request.

Call 413-458-3597, or .

picture of a piano

Research has shown that early music training can improve intelligence.

Students with a musical background scored around 50 points higher on the verbal part of the
SAT and around 35 points higher on the math portion than students with no musical training.

[Another] study compared 19 pre-schoolers who took the lessons and 14 classmates
enrolled in no special music programs.  After eight months,
[it] found:

A 46% boost in spatial IQ's for the young musicians
6% improvement for children not taught music.

(Music lessons may open the mind to math and science )

Additional research sources can be found at:


Scientific American: Musical Medicine
A high-tech piano treats a repetitive stress disorder
Scientific American: Music and the Brain [ NEUROSCIENCE ] (new)
What is the secret of music's strange power? Seeking an answer, scientists are 
piecing together a picture of what happens in the brains of listeners and musicians
Search for a music teacher in your area using the Music Teacher List.
This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2009/11/16 at 10:29 and has been accessed 24393 times at 32 hits per month.